
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cook Counseling Center - To Time Management Strategies and Beyond

In the blink of an eye, we're already over halfway through the semester.  With a little over a month left to go, we're getting to that dreadfully busy time - end of the semester projects.

Maybe you've known the assignment since day one, or maybe you're just starting to hear about it for the first time.  Chances are that you're at the point where you're deciding if it's worth beginning any of those projects now or if you'll wait until you finish just one more mission or side quest in that game you've been playing.  Or two more.  Oh, but this next one shouldn't take too long...

By this point, you probably have an idea of how well you've been able to manage your time.  For those of you with time management troubles and are looking for some help, I've got some good news for you.

Meet Virginia Tech's Cook Counseling Center.  While most may know that Cook Counseling Center is where students can go for psychiatric care and counseling, the center also has a number of other services to provide.  Not only do they have various seminars and programs
for students looking for some extra help with their academics, but they have some great online resources on their site.

Right now we're going to focus on their time management strategies.  If you have trouble with procrastination and time management, you are definitely not alone.  This issue is so prominent among students, Cook Counseling Center has a whole page dedicated to strategies to help you.

Their time management strategies page gives step-by-step instructions on great ways to both schedule your time and keep yourself from getting distracted from you work.  There's even a small quiz to "grade" how effectively you use your time.

Of course, every person has their own way of working.  If you find that the strategies and suggestions explained on their website don't work for you, Cook Counseling Center is always welcoming if you want to contact them directly.

And don't forget- there are plenty of other great opportunities to be found on their website.  From concentration help, to note taking, to improving test performance, you have a lot to gain by taking a few minutes to check their website out.

Good luck with your end of the semester projects.  I promise your game will still be there when you're done.

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