
Friday, October 10, 2014

It's almost Halloween--but career fairs aren't so spooky!

Business Horizons 2014. Photo credit: Pamplin: College of Business Magazine 

Walking into a career fair can be a terrifying experience—the room is filled with other students competing to impress potential employers for the same opportunities you want. However, if you choose to prepare for this event, your experience doesn’t have to be so scary. In fact, you will find being prepared leads to confidence and success. You can use these tips for the upcoming FallConnection Job Fair on Oct. 14th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Squires Commonwealth.

Research the employers beforehand
Do your homework before the career fair. You should research which companies are coming to the fair, what kind of positions they have available, what the company does, and what they are looking for. Create a list of the companies you know you want to approach.

Look over your resume – again

Not only should you be proofreading your resume for any mistakes or checking to see if all your information is updated, but you should also be sure to refresh your memory on your experiences. Be prepared to talk in-depth about any experience on your resume, because a recruiter may ask for you to explain further. Be sure to print many copies on resume-quality paper!

Have your questions ready

Avoid questions like, “What does your company exactly do?” or “What is the salary?” You can stand out to an employer with smart and thoughtful questions. Some examples of good questions would be, “What opportunities are there for collaboration” or “What does an average day look like for an employee at your company?”

Know what you’re going to say

Be sure to have at least a 30 second introduction prepared. This elevator pitch should include who you are, what you have done, what you can do, and what you are interested in from the employer. It can be a good idea to end your pitch with a question regarding the position or company, so that you are pulling the employer into a conversation. After you’ve figured out what you want to say, practice it until it becomes smooth and natural.

Remember, if you take the time to prepare for each individual employer, your efforts will be noticed!

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