As you make your resolutions for 2014, I have a suggestion for you that I got from Michael Copeland, the minister at my church--a humane goal for each of us, no matter what our religion is or isn't. What is the suggestion? In 2014, set a goal for 14 acts of service. There are many ways you can serve in our VT community; here are 14 suggestions for 2014:
1. Participate in an Alternative Spring Break program. There are many places to find ASB projects, but one place to look is the YMCA at VT.
2. Check out the many opportunities at VT Engage.
3. Help out at the local Free Clinic of the New River Valley.
4. Volunteer with the VT YMCA.
5. Be an ambassador for the Cranwell International Center or volunteer to work with international students in other ways.
6. Work on making the BIG EVENT happen in April. (Couldn't find their 2014 information yet but there is a contact at the link!)
7. Join the largest campus-run Relay for Life to raise funds for cancer...It's on OUR campus!
8. Assist with the 3.2 Run for Remembrance in April. Volunteer sign-up begins in February.
9. Support battered women and children at the Women's Resource Center of the New River Valley.
10. There are 230 service organizations in Gobbler Connect. Search for one that interests you!
12. Serve a meal at the local Salvation Army.
13. Want to get experience in a health-related setting? Volunteer for VT Rescue Squad.
14. Love to hike the AT in this area? Keep it clean by using your hands with the VT Outdoor Club.
There, that should do it!
Just think, even if we all did only ONE act of service this year, that would be over 30,000 contributions to our community. And, if we each strive for 14 this year, the possibilities are endless! As you participate in a service activity, send us a photo of you taking action and we'll post it on our blog.
Service. A natural New Year's resolution for Hokies who live by our motto, Ut Prosim, that I may serve. Let's all strive to serve more in 2014. Happy New Year!
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