
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Finals: 5 Keys to Perform Better

Man, that 7:30 a.m. alarm seemed too early, but Brittany jumped up anyway to go grab breakfast at Deet's Place and do a final review before her 10:05 a.m. final exam. She's wondering if she should have stayed up another hour cramming last night, but feels pretty good that she got some sleep. At least Jacob helped her review the formulas she needs to know this morning. She can't wait for after the exam when she's going to meet Alex to go for a run on the Huckleberry Trail. That should clear her head.

Does this story sound like you? It should. Brittany is doing 5 key things this semester to perform better on her finals.

Eat 3 "squares" and make them healthy! My mom, a physician, used to always preach to me how important breakfast is to our bodies. "It's called breakfast for a reason, Claire," she said. "You need to break your fast and get your metabolism going." This is especially critical when your mind needs to be sharp for exams. I rarely ate a big breakfast as an undergrad, but when finals week came around, I had a hot breakfast every morning. I think it payed off.

Sleep. Get enough of it. You will fare far better if you get 8 hours of rest rather than pulling an all nighter to cram for your morning exam. I' m no scientist (thank God) but your brain will function better with more rest.

Stress: Reduce it. Be sure you take breaks from studying. Go for a run. Play a video game. Watch your favorite show on Hulu. Playing the piano helped me relieve stress when I was an undergraduate. My residence hall had a baby grand piano in the lobby and I took an hour break to play when there were no quiet hours. I also went running with my best friend, Ruthie, which brings us to the next key.

Exercise. Like it did for Brittany, getting exercise can help clear your head and make you feel better. If you reach a fitness goal for the day, you will be more energized for the next exam hurdle. and have a feeling of accomplishment.

Find a study buddy. The best way to learn a subject is to have to teach it to someone else. Studying with a friend can help you make sure you understand the material.

Try these key steps as you gear up for your finals. What other suggestions do you have for improved exam performance?

Oh yeah, and give your finals your best shot!

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